“Ideal Piping systems are deliver the best quality and perfection.”
Khaliyaddin Farzalizade
Senior Electrical Engineer,
We follow the path of the latest technologies, relying on old traditions!
Kamran Ibadov
Senior Electrical Engineer,
The knowledge and skills of young professionals play an exceptional role in the building of the new vessels that serve the economic wealth of the country. We are proud to be part of that!
Elmir Aliyev
Senior Mechanical Engineer,
“Accommodation/Interior Engineer is defined as the act of carefully choosing the products, styles, materials, and colors that will be used to design/build the ship cabins and rooms.”
Niyazi Bayramov
Accommodation Engineer,
“We protect property to bring surface to life.”
Kanan Avazli
Coating Engineer,
“Pipelines are an important part of most ship systems and the only means of communication between existing equipment”
Natig Rzayev
Deputy Piping HOD,